Wednesday, December 28, 2005


We are in China:) It's cold, its huge and its amazing. The internet here at the hostel is a little bit of a challenge but we'll try to post more later. We are going to head down to the Forbidden City and Tian' amen Square this morning. Tomorrow morning we will be going to the Great Wall and the Ming Tombs...should be a cold and fun day.

This morning in the middle of receiving our breakfast of toast, egg and coffee our train tickets for our trip to Xi'an arrived. We had not been able to get to the bank so I still had a pocket full of Jap. Yen. After a confusing "conversation" between the delivery guy, the hostel worker and myself I finally just flashed my wad of Yen and told the delivery guy that I had the money, I just needed to change it. His eyes got really big and he offered to take me to the bank on his moped. Maybe I should have been nervous but I wasn't...I dont know if I'm adventurous or stupid:) We dodged through the narrow streets of old Beijing and finally burst out onto a six-lane street full of buses, bikes and delivery men. It was pretty exciting to experience early morning Beijing from the back of a moped.

Well, that's all for now, hope to get some pics on here soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

China!...Wow! What an experience... You're going to have so many great stories to share after this year...can't wait to hear them!


1/08/2006 11:48 AM  

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